Вышла новая версия Joomla 1.0.4. Никаких нововведений в Joomla 1.0.4 нет, пофиксены всяческие ошибки и закрыты потенциальные дыры в безопасности. Разработчики рекомендуют установить обновления до версии 1.0.4.
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Перечень исправлений Joomla 1.0.4
Critical Level Threat
* Potentional XSS injection through GET and other variables
* Hardened SEF against XSS injection
Low Level Threat
* Potential SQL injection in Polls modules through the Itemid variable
* Potential SQL injection in several methods in mosDBTable class
* Potential misuse of Media component file management functions
* Add search limit param (default of 50) to `Search` Mambots to prevent search flooding
# Fixed Artifact artf1967 displays with an escaped apostrophe in both title and TOC.
* SECURITY: Hardened SEF against XSS injection
# replaced charset=utf-8 to charset=iso-8859-1 in language file
* SECURITY: Fixed XSS injection of global variable through the _GET array
^ Replaced install.png with new image
- Reverted artf2139 : admin menu xhtml
+ Added clone function for PHP5 backwards compatibility
# Fixed artf2137 : editorArea xhtml
# Fixed artf2139 : admin menu xhtml
# Fixed artf2136 : Admin menubar valid xhtml
# Fixed artf2135 : Admin invalid xhtml
# Fixed artf2140 : mosMenuBar::publishList
# Fixed artf2027 : uploading images from custom component
# PERFORMANCE: Fixed artf1993 : Inefficient queries in com_content
# Fixed artf2021 : artf1791 : Failed Login results in redirect to referring page
# Fixed artf2021 : appendMetaTag() prepends instead of appends
# Fixed artf1981 : incorrect url's at next/previous links at content items
# Fixed artf2079 : SQL error in category manager thru contact manager
# Fixed artf1586 : .htaccess - RewriteEngine problem
# Fixed artf1976 : Check for custom icon in mod_quickicon.php
# Fixed issue with RSS module not displaying inside module rendering wrapper
# Fixed contact component dropdown select category bug
# Fixed mod_quickicon `redeclaration of function` error possibilities
# Fixed artf1648 : tinyMCE BR and P elements
# Fixed artf1700 : TinyMCE doesn't support relative URL's for images
* SECURITY: Fixed artf1978 : mod_poll SQL Injection Vulnerability [ Low Level Security Bug ]
* SECURITY: Fixed SQL injection possibility in several mosDBTable methods [ Low Level Security Bug ]
* SECURITY: Fixed malicious injection into filename variables in com_media [ Low Level Security Bug ]
^ mosDBTable::publish_array renamed to publish
^ mosDBTable::save no longer updates the ordering (must now be done separately)
* SECURITY: Add search limit param (default of 50) to `Search` Mambots to prevent search flooding
[ Low Level Security Bug ]
# Fixed custom() & customX() functions in menu.html.php no checking for image in /administrator/images/
# Fixed artf1953 : Page Class Suffix in Contacts component
# Fixed artf1945 : mosToolTip not generating valid xhtml
+ modduleclass_sfx support to mod_poll
# Fixed artf1902 : Incorrect number of table cells in mod_poll
# Fixed bug which prevented component uninstall if another XML file was in the directory
# Fixed artf1888 : linkable [category|section] URL incorrect
# Fixed artf1620 : Hardcoded words in pdf.php
# Fixed artf1887 : Content: Bug in creation date generation
# Fixed artf1277 : News Feed Display Bad Accent character
# Fixed artf1739 : Problem with the menuitem type url and assigned templates and modules
# Fixed artf1574 : Who is online after update to Joomla 1.0.3 no more work correctly
# Fixed artf1666 : Notice: on component installation
# Fixed artf1573 : Manage Banners | Error in Field Name
# Fixed artf1597 : Small bug in loadAssocList function in database.php
# Fixed artf1832 : Logout problem
# Fixed artf1769 : Undefined index: 2 in includes/joomla.php on line 2721
# Fixed artf1749 : Email-to-friend is NOT actually from friend
# Fixed artf1591 : page is expired at installation
# Fixed artf1851 : 1.0.2 copy content has error
# Fixed artf1569 : Display of mouseover in IE gives a problem with a dropdown-box
# Fixed artf1869 : Poll produces MySQL-Error when accessed via Component Link
# Fixed artf1694 : 1.0.3 undefined indexes filter_sectionid and catid on "Add New Content"
# Fixed artf1834 : English Localisation
# Fixed artf1771 : Wrong mosmsg
# Fixed artf1792 : "Receive Submission Emails" label is misleading
# Fixed artf1770 : Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT
^ Upgraded TinyMCE Compressor [1.02]
^ Upgraded TinyMCE [2.0 RC4]
# Fixed artf1671 : Media Manager
# Fixed artf1814 : Tab Class wrong
# Fixed artf1086 : Icons at the control panel fall apart
# Fixed bug where a new database object with the same username,
password and host but different database name would kill Joomla!
# Fixed artf1733 : $contact->id used instead of $Itemid
# Fixed artf1654 : base url above title tag
# Fixed artf1738 : Registration - javascript alert
# Fixed artf1695 : Show Empty Categories in Section does not work
# Fixed artf1710 : Unnecessary queries (optimization)
# Fixed artf1711 : Missing whitespace in search results
# Fixed artf1706 : Mambo logo not removed from admin images
# Fixed artf1708 : Search CMT: Hardcoded date format
# Fixed artf1689 : Joomla! Installer - Wording still not correct
# Fixed artf1692 : email and print buttons (maybe also the PDF) does not validate
# Fixed missing autoclear in "list-item" stock template
# Fixed artf1577 : MenuLink Blog section error
Applyed Feature Requests:
^ Artifact artf1282 : Easier sorting of static content in creating menu links
^ Artifact artf1162 : Remove hardcoding of <<, <, > and >> in pageNavigation.php